
Special Education Notes

Online study material on various special education courses and topics

Educational updates, blogs and circulars regarding Special Education.

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About SEN

SEN offers a platform to gain and share knowledge among peers. The main focus of this website is to share study material to larger number of people. It aims to help the students-teachers understand and analyse diverse concepts related to education, their premises and context. We hope that our website will be a meaningful resource to student-teachers, teachers, teachers-educators, special educators and all stakeholders in the schooling system in our country. Let’s save our efforts and time as now you have the freedom to direct your own study schedule.

Circulars and Blogs

It has been observed that neither the schools nor the students are fully aware about the updates regarding special education or special needs children. In order to aware teachers and students regarding all the educational updates, blogs and circulars are made available in a single platform.

Strategies to overcome pinching

Tips for parents and professionals to help manage, reduce the pinching behavior and improve their quality of life.

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SPD versus ASD

Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) and ASD (ASD) are two conditions that can exist one without the other or they can be comorbid.

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Financial Assistance for PWD

Guidelines for Providing Financial Assistance under the National Fund for Persons with Disabilities

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Study Material

Study material is readable material. Both the content and the design contribute to a smooth processing of knowledge, skills and insights. This online platform provides detailed reading material on different courses and topics related to special education, managing special needs children and many theories of psychology. We draw from what we have learned in years of teaching exceptional students and shares that practical knowledge with you in Teaching a Child with Special Needs at Home and at School: Strategies and Tools that Really Work! The increasing diversity of incoming students requires more diversity in terms of study materials. Based on the examples and experiences, we try to make our study material more diverse and accessible.

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B.Ed. Special Education ID

Bachelors Training course for teaching children with special needs

D.Ed. Special Education ID

Diploma Training course for teaching children with special needs

D.Ed. Special Education ASD

Diploma Training course specialized Autism Spectrum Disorders

Human Growth and Development

The process of growth and change that takes place throughout life

D.Ed. Special Education IDD

Revised Diploma Special Education Intellectual and Developmental Disability course

B.Ed. Special Education HI

Bachelors Training course specialized Hearing Impairment

Theories in psychology

Provides model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

Books on Amazon

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The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016- 21 Types of Disabilities

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Email us at: specialeducationnotes1@gmail.com